We believe that every renter should have a detailed list and pictures of all their possessions, just like homeowners do. Our service is designed to help you keep track of your belongings, protect your investments, and provide peace of mind.
Why is a home inventory important for renters? While homeowners typically have homeowner's insurance to protect their possessions, renters often overlook the importance of having their belongings covered. In casess of theft, fire, or natural disasters, having an accurate inventory can make the claims process smoother and more efficient. By documenting your possessions, you can ensure that you are properly reimbursed for any losses or damages. Take a look at our packages:
1. Basic Condo or Townhome Package: covers up to 1499 square feet.
2. Large Condo or Townhome Package: covers up to 1500–2499 square feet of of home.
3. Estate Townhome Package: covers up to 2500 square feet home
Don't leave the protection of your valuable assets to chance. Take control and ensure their security by reaching out to Document 2 Cover Your Assets today. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing you with comprehensive inventory documentation services that offer peace of mind and protection.